Funded by European Union, Youth in Action Program
Lead partner:
Local Democracy Agency Sisak
Volunteer’s Center Skopje (Macedonia)
Amigos da Terra Galicia-Xuventude (Spain)
Project grant: 16.440,00 EUR
Project duration: 18 months (15 February 2012 – 15 August 2013)
The project “Creative Youth Laboratory” will host two volunteers, one from Macedonia and one from Spain, for 12 months, between April 2012 and 2013. The volunteers are doing their European Voluntary Service in LDA Sisak host town, Sisak.
The objectives of the project are to raise the awareness about voluntarism and to promote cultural diversity and European citizenship in the town of Sisak and its surroundings. The volunteers will work with young people from Sisak on daily basis and share cultures, experience and knowledge using non-formal and informal educational methodology. Moreover, they will be actively involved in the work of Volunteer Centre Sisak.
During the project volunteers will be involved in several activities such as: 1. Local volunteering initiatives, 2. Youth information point, 3. European integration, 4. Other activities and office tasks and 5. Autonomous activities that volunteers will develop with LDA Sisak support.
LDA Sisak is accredit organisation for EVS since 2008 and is providing information for all interesting youth on international and local volunteering.
The project is part of Youth in Action Program, Action 2 European Voluntary Service. Youth in Action is a program of the European Union dedicated to youth and to organisations active in youth field, from 2007 to 2013.
The content published on this web site is sole responsibility of the LDA Sisak and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Croatia
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes
LDA Sisak hosted the first EVS volunteers in Sisak
EVS volunteers participated at the On-arrival training in Orahovica
LDA Sisak celebrated Planet Earth Day
Celebration of the Day of Europe
LDA Sisak participated at the celebration of the Family Day
What does citizens of Sisak think about volunteering?
Presentation of Spain in Petrinja high school
European voluntary service Mid-term training
“Survival” guide through Sisak written by our EVS volunteers with the map of Sisak which contains recommended places for spending leisure time.