As part of the project “The Future: for us and for you!” at the Ivan Kukuljevic Elementary School in Sisak, on 10 March 2020, another one of a series of workshops for students was held as part of the Sustainable Development Education Program, this time accompanying the theme “Preserving Life on Earth – Clean Water and Sanitation”.
The workshop was attended by 4th grade students participating in the Sustainable Development Education Program. The purpose of this workshop was to discuss ways to protect water and the environment, to encourage individual actions for the sustainable use of natural resources and to conserve water, and to encourage students to save water. The students discussed and adopted the water-saving strategies they presented. At the workshop, students watched a short animated film after which they thought critically and showed that they knew very well how to protect the environment in which they lived.
As part of the project “The Future: for us and for you!” At the Ivan Kukuljevic Elementary School in Sisak, on March 10, 2020, another one of a series of workshops for students was held as part of the Sustainable Development Training, this time accompanying the theme “Preserving Life on Earth – Clean Water and Sanitation”.
Further activities that await us in the framework of family volunteering, and accompany the topics of workshops in the framework of education for sustainable development are family creative workshops and landscaping.
The project “The Future: For us and for you!” Is co-financed by the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia through the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program. The project leader is Cakovec Red Cross City Society and partners are Strigov Primary School, ACT Group, Croatian Red Cross – Sisak Red Cross City Society, Ivan Kukuljevic Sisak Primary School, Agency for Local Democracy Sisak (ALD Sisak), Croatian Red Cross – City Society Donja Stubica Red Cross, Matija Gupac Elementary School Gornja Stubica, Zagor Network.
The program is co-financed by the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.
The views expressed in this material are the sole responsibility of the Local Democracy Agency of Sisak and do not reflect the position of the Office for NGOs of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.