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ESM② – Strengthening local capacities for the implementation of the European social model and access to European social networks

1. April 2013.

Funded by the National Foundation for Civil Society Development

Lead partner: CERANEO – Centar za razvoj neprofitnih organizacija

Partners: Local Democracy Agency Sisak, Gradska radionica Pula, Hrvatski institut za lokalnu samoupravu, Udruga SRMA

Project duration: 1 January – 31 December 2013


Project objectives are included in the project acronym:

  1. Strengthening local capacities for the implementation of the European social model

  2. Accession to the European social networks.


Through planned activities we want to strengthen the capacities of local stakeholders to better understand and apply the concepts advocated and promoted by the European social model that will be implemented into designing and development of their local social agendas.


We will also “open the door” for entering into large European social networks and will strengthen our civil society organizations to be more involved, to enhance cooperation and develop common projects together with the members of the European networks.


There will be thematic workshops in 5 Croatian cities (Pula, Split, Osijek, Sisak and Zagreb) from September to November 2013.


The proposed workshop topics are:

Achievements and good practices of welfare mix policy

The practice of OMC in the preparation, adoption and implementation of social programs

The European social model

Social Cohesion

Social Innovation

Detailed program and workshop registration forms will be published on the websites of the project implementers and on the websites of other institutions and organizations that support the project.

All interested who wish to participate in this project can contact the implementers and contribute to the project objectives.

Flayer in Croatian language


The content published on this web site is sole responsibility of the LDA Sisak and necessary do not reflect the views of the National Foundation.


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