Centre for non-profit organisations’ development (CERANEO) from Zagreb in cooperation with four Croatian partner organisations – Local Democracy Agency Sisak, Gradska radionica Pula, Croatian Institute for local self-government Osijek and Association SRMA Sinj – is implementing a project “ESM2: Strengthening local capacities for the implementation of the European social model and access to European social networks”, funded by the Croatian National Foundation for Civil Society Development.
Regional thematic workshops have been already held in Croatian towns Pula, Osijek and Split, and followed with the fourth one held 24-25 October 2013 in Sisak.
Regional thematic workshop in Sisak gathered almost all local stakeholders working in the area of social policy; volunteers, civil society organisations and institutions; the area that has is from great importance for Sisak and for the whole area of Sisak-Moslavina County.
Introduction was held by the Local Democracy Agency Sisak President, Ms Paula Raužan, presenting local and regional situation regarding social policy and social situations in Sisak-Moslavina County.
Before each mini-workshop (6 in total), experts held introduction lecture on the topic. Experts were Ms Marina Dimić Vugec from CERANEO and Ms Jelena Matančević and Mr Danijel Baturina from Social Work Study Centre Zagreb.
During these two days participants developed concrete project ideas, in line with European social model, those are aiming on social cohesion social innovations development.
An objective of the ESM2 project is to strengthen local capacities for the implementation of the European social model. Moreover, the project is addressing local stakeholders to better understanding and apply the concepts advocated and promoted by the European social, which will enhance development of their local social agendas.