The first partner meeting of the project “Volunteer’ School” took place in Karlovac on the 5 July 2017. Association Carpe Diem leads the project that kick off on the 1 June 2017 and will be going on until 31 May 2019. Total grant value is 948.086,07 HRK, funded by the European Social Fund and the Croatian Governmental Office for Cooperation with the NGOs.
The project is taking place in Karlovac and Sisak-Moslavina County in partnership with Local Democracy Agency Sisak, LAG Vallis Colapis, Slobodna škola- association for promoting democratic education, Primary school Grabrik and Gymnasium Karlovac.
Overall project’ objective is to contribute to increasing social and economic growth and democratic development in Karlovac and Sisak-Moslavina County by strengthening partnership of civil society organisations and educational facilities in the field of volunteering. Specific objective is to include quality volunteer’ programs in school curriculum and stimulating volunteer education development in the area of Karlovac and Sisak-Moslavina County.
Target groups are 4 civil society organisations (3 in Karlovac county and 1 in Sisak-Moslavina county), 9 educational facilities (6 in Karlovac county and 3 in Sisak-Moslavina county) and 80 pupils-volunteers in both counties.
Four civil society organisations will be educated for designing and implementing school volunteering programs and transfer new knowledge to representatives of nine schools within the project. Upon the training, schoolteachers will be mentored by the civil society organisations and develop volunteer’ programs which will be integrated in the school’ curriculums. Volunteer club will be organised in the each of the nine schools, a manual on school volunteering produced and system of volunteers’ validation developed. Moreover, several public events will be organised, such as dedication of the International Volunteer’ Day, Festival of Volunteering and voluntary actions within the national manifestation “Volunteer Croatia”.
For more information on the project, please contact project manager Mrs. Antonija Vučić antonija@carpediem.hr
More on EU projects find on www.strukturnifondovi.hr