On December 6th 2014, on the occasion of International Volunteer Day and International Human Rights Day, the 6th Sisak Fair of organisations and institutions is held at the Town`s Market.
Local Democracy Agency Sisak within projects “Sisak Volunteer Network” and “Volunteer Centre Sisak”, in cooperation with Town of Sisak and Home for elderly and dependence people Sisak, on the occasion of International Volunteer Day (December 5) and International Human Rights Day (December 10), organised the 6th Sisak Fair of organisations and institutions.
Fair is holding every year aiming to present institutions/organisations promoting volunteering and human rights, and to encourage volunteering among citizens.
This year’s Fair gathered 14 organisations and institutions dealing with different topics: women, culture, health, social issues, humanitarian aid, animal protection, youth, social entrepreneurship and similar.
Projects funded by Croatian Ministry of Social Policy and Youth and Town of Sisak.