Supported by European Union – Europe for Citizens Program

Project leader: Association of Local Democracy Agencies (France)
Partners: Local Democracy Agency Sisak, Jasenovac Memorial Site (Croatia), Mémorial Cité de l’Histoire Caen-Normandie (France), “Institute for national istory” (Macedonia), The Junction (Northern Ireland), “Terra del fuoco” (Italy) and Pays Vichy-Auvergne (France)
The overall goal of PEACE is the creation of a network of structures working on Peace Education, Citizenship and Human rights in the intent to use 20th Century European History as a tool for Active Remembrance. These partners will engage in peer-to-peer experience exchanges and reflections of how to improve teaching and work methodologies for achieving among the general population: the ownership of the EU’s values, the understanding in dept of those reasons that made possible the creation of the Council of Europe and European Union, mutual understanding of cultural differences and sufferance thus assuring the preservation of un unbiased memory and the construction of a tighter-knit Europe.
Activities in project are:
6 local events organised in: Jasenovac, Sisak (HR), Vichy (FR), Skopje (FYR of Macedonia), Londonderry (UK) and Gorizia (IT) in which partners will involve different groups of the local population and professionals for teaching Peace, review history with participants and understand how can partners’ theoretical methods improve.
Partners will work closely to organise a 3 days international conference in Caen that will involve educators, teachers, researchers, and memorial curators, peace educators at European level.
Local Democracy Agency Sisak will organisea one day visit to Jasenovac Memorial Site for local citizens, media, non-governmental organizations and institutions in order to introduce concept of peace education for them and with goal of informing them of what happened in Jasenovac and thus creating an instrument for breaking down the prejudices and maintaining the peace