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The first meeting of Sisak volunteers

28. October 2016.

Local Democracy Agency Sisak organised the first meeting of Sisak volunteers, called VOLONTERski vriSaK – translated as “volunteer’ scream”, playing with words “volunteer” and “Sisak”. The meeting took place on the 27 October 2016 in the LDA Sisak premises, as a part of the “Sisak volunteer’ network” project.

The purpose of the meeting, the first ever in Sisak of this kind, is enabling voluntary support system and it gathered volunteers currently volunteering in different organisations all over the town. Volunteers gat to know each other and had great opportunity to expand their knowledge regarding the Law on Volunteering – often not very much familiar to volunteers, which is integral part of each organised voluntary engagement and comprehends both volunteers and organisers of volunteering.

Meeting moderated Paula Raužan, president of the LDA Sisak, pointed out rights and duties of volunteers, possibilities of volunteering in Sisak and how to search information regarding volunteering.

“I would like to be informed on all news and voluntary actions in Sisak more often” – says Daša Milić, law student volunteering in Citizens Rights Project association.

“It would be great to have a place with the list of all associations and institutions who need volunteers on local level” – says Ana-Maria Lisinski, long-term volunteer in Sisak Tourist Board.

Participants opened many questions relevant for raising awareness of importance of volunteering, especially benefits of developing skills and competences through volunteering. Conclusion is that volunteering is not just altruism but also a choice to work on yourself. It is very important to approach volunteering in serious matter and get familiar with legislative, but to work more on validation of voluntary work at local level.

The meeting gave volunteers opportunity to “release their voice” and give suggestions for future meetings’ topics, whereof exchange of bad practice is one. Therefore, volunteer’ mingles is to continue in upcoming months, working on recognition of values and complexity of volunteering.



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