Vaš partner u izgradnji demokracije

Leader: Centre for education and counselling Lumos

Partners: Udruga PET PLUS, Local Democracy Agency Sisak i Udruga NADA

Duration: 16 February 2022 – 16 February 2023

Contract no.: UP.

Call for proposals: Strengthening Capacities of Civil Society Organisations for Answering the Needs of Local Communities (UP.

Grant value: 481.149,85 HKN

General objective:

Ensure civil society development which provides equable social and economic growth and democratic development in the Republic of Croatia.

Specific objectives:

  • Transfer of knowledge and skills of the more experienced CSOs in the European Social Fund management to the their less experienced piers. 
  • Improvement of the CSOS capacities for effective response to the local community needs in the crises situations.
  • Strengthening capacities of the local CSOs for implementation of the activities tailored-made to the local needs.

Project summary:

The project is addressing problems facing by the smaller and less experienced CSOs dealing in everyday conducts and in local crises management.

The team of the two experienced association in various scope of work and in the ESF management is transferring their knowledge and skills to their less experienced piers, using the project activities to get more organised and effective in responding to the need of their final beneficiaries.

Expected results:

  • CSOs strengthened for successful local community work, developed skills and tools for emergency crises response.
  • Implemented participative activities (14 workshops) for improving knowledge and skills of the CSOs members and employees.
  • Developed and strengthened knowledge and skills of the CSOs for working in the crises situations and fro organising online work using innovative digital tools.


Tihana Vukasović, project manager, Udruga PET PLUS;, mob: +385 (0)99 4588 385

Paula Raužan, project coordinator in the LDA Sisak;; mob: +385 (0) 99 230 92 61


The project is co-funded by the European Union from the European Social Fund.

The project is co-funded by the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs.

More information of the EU funds, see and

The views expressed in this text are the sole responsibility of the Local Democracy Agency Sisak.


Social-cultural Centre Sisak (2021-2022)

Leader: Local Democracy Agency Sisak Duration: 1 June 2021 – 30 April 2022 Grant value: 83.480,00 HRK Donor: Foundation SOLIDARNA, Relief Fond 5.5.  Objective: To create concept design of the Social-cultural Centre Sisak (SCC Sisak) building as a precondition for...