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Opened volunteers’ centers in Petrinja and Kutina

18. May 2012.

In the second year of the implementation of the project “Volunteering for Cross-border Local Community Development”, besides ones in Sisak, Derventa and Bihać, local volunteers’ centers in Petrinja and Kutina are opened. 

 LDA Sisak transferred its experience and provided needed support to its project partners that resulted with opening of the Volunteers’ Center Petrinja on 15 May 2012, operating in Association IKS. It was opened by the President of the Association IKS, Mrs. Palma Miličević and Town of Petrinja Deputy Mayor, Mr. Milan Herceg, while Coordinator of the Volunteers’ Center, Mrs. Tamara Jovičić presented the purpose of the center and its future work. The opening gathered some 50 visitors, all representatives of local authority, public institutions, non-governmental organisation and volunteers. 

On 17 May 2012 the Volunteers’ Center Kutina was opened in Association OSI, officially opened by its President, Mrs, Jozefina Kranjčec and Town of Kutina Mayor, Mr. Davor Žmegač. More then 40 visitors witnessed the great need for existence of the organised infrastructure that will support volunteering in the local community. 

 Project partners and associates with their local and foreign volunteers



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